Chamber Awards

Morton Distinguished Service Award

The Morton DSA recognizes a local citizen who has made a significant impact on the community of Morton through their leadership and volunteerism. Award nominations are collected each year and the award winner is recognized at the Chamber's Annual Meet Up. Established in 1972, the Distinguished Service Award recognizes a local citizen who has made a significant impact on the community of Morton through their leadership and volunteerism. Below are the previous award recipients.

2024 Distinguished Service Award

The Morton Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce that Don Jones is our 2024 Distinguished Service Award!

2024 Don Jones

2023 Jeff King

2022 Liz Meier

2021 Bill Aupperle

2020 Andy Honegger

2019 Carol Jankowski

2018 Mary Jane Johnson

2017 Steve Newhouse

2016 Nick Graff

2015 Aaron Miller

2014 Jim Benckendorf

2013 Scott Witzig

2012 Roger Kilpatrick

2011 Paul Grethey

2010 Craig Barley

2009 Susan Pyles

2008 Gordon & Jean Ann Honegger

2007 Verden Rinkenberger

2006 Mike Murphy

2005 Mark Johnson

2004 Dennis Ewald

2003 Thomas W. Clark, MD

2002 Norm Durflinger

2001 William Morton

2000 Robert W. Brown

1999 Robert Hertenstein

1998 Jack Reeser (posthumously)

1997 Henry Getz

1996 Phil Kuhl

1995 Jim Carius

1994 Ramon Mason & Alyce Anderson (posthumously)

1993 Jim Yordy

1992 Bob Schnarr

1991 Edward Hauter

1990 William L. Wilson

1989 Bob Linder

1988 Fritz Reuling
1987 Gwen Phillips
1986 Rich Beal
1985 Cliff Hasselbacher
1984 Gene Witzig
1983 Clarence Yordy
1982 William Klopfenstein
1981 Dr. Lawrence E. Patton
1980 Eugene H. Mathis
1979 Vernon Schumacher & Sam Dietrich
1978 Robert Haarlow
1977 Chalmer Arnett
1976 Glenn Barger
1975 Ken Vogel
1974 No Award Given
1973 Al Heiniger
1972 Donald F. Roth

Morton Chamber Volunteer of the Year Award

Established in 2009, the Morton Chamber Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes a Chamber member, or honorary Chamber member, who has volunteered their time to make Chamber programs, events, and initiatives more effective and impacting. Award nominations are collected each year in November and the award winner is recognized at the Chamber's Annual Meet Up.

2023 - John Cirilli

2022 - Tim Mueller

2021 - Amanda Miller

2020 - Nick Esser

2019 - Jenna Grimm

2018 - Jan Baker

2017 - Aaron Miller, Real Estate Broker, Coldwell Banker 

2016 - Jacque Austin, Jacque Austin Photography & Graphic Design

2015 - Lisa Moser, Alltrust Financial Services

2014 - Brian Cross, Morton Buildings

2013 - Doug Fair, NCI Business Systems

2012 - Kim Kirk, G&D Integrated

2011 - Dan Schmidt, Morton Community Bank

2010 - Don Jones, Knapp-Johnson Funeral Home

2009 - Wayne Menold, Morton Community Bank

2023 Volunteer of the Year Award

The 2023 Volunteer of the Year Award recipient is John Cirilli. Congratulations John!

Community Impact Award

The Community Impact Award is awarded each year to a businessperson, nonprofit organization, business, or public sector agency that has made an exceptional impact in the Morton community, who shows a commitment to the community outside of normal business practices and demonstrates leadership in the community.

Award Recipients

2021: PLaCE

2022: Morton Fine Arts

2023: Morton Park District

2024: Morton Community Foundation

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